Page 4 - 2023 Annual Report
P. 4

T H E  Y E A R   IN  R E V IE W

                L O C AL  G O VE R N M E N T

                                                                  CITY OF WORCESTER, SOURCES OF FY24 REVENUE
               The  Bureau  continued  to  release  reports  that  dive deep  into
                issues of local government. Breaking Down the Budget: City of
               Worcester‘s Fiscal Year 2024 is a continuation of the Bureau’s
               annual report on the City of Worcester’s budget. Each year on July
               1, Massachusetts cities and towns must implement a new budget.
               Worcester’s Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) budget took effect on July
               1, 2023. Municipal budgets must balance—expenditures cannot
               exceed revenues. The budget process forces municipalities to
               confront the challenge of fixed costs, including debt service
               and pensions, while deciding among priorities like education,
               public safety, economic development, and public services. The
               City’s revenues for FY24 are shown on this page; in total, the
               City budgets $847.7 million in FY24. A large portion of City
               spending is in education—59.9% of this year’s total budget is
               earmarked for education. However, the source of more than 70%
               of the City’s revenue for spending on education is from state aid.   City of Worcester Expenditure Centers
               Accordingly, this year the Bureau began a new, separate, annual   Total Education  $507,436,102
               project  to  examine  and  explain  the  budget  of  the  Worcester
               Public Schools. This report, Paying For a Public Education: An   Total City Services  $183,708,699
               Examination of the  FY24 Worcester Public Schools’ Budget,   Total Fixed Costs  $156,583,278
               seeks to understand the more than $552 million budget of
               the Worcester Public Schools for FY24, explaining to the lay   Total Expenditures FY24  $847,728,079
               reader the ins and outs of how exactly, public education is paid   Source: City of Worcester, FY24 Budget
               for. Just like the City, the Worcester Public Schools must have
               a budget in place by July 1 each year; and, like the City, WPS
                has its own “fixed costs,” namely, a minimum it must spend on
               educating students, determined annually by the Massachusetts   WORCESTER PUBLIC SCHOOLS, SOURCES OF FY24 REVENUE
               Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Foundation
               Budget formula. Each district in the state is allocated some state
               aid to fund that education, and municipalities provide the rest.
               In Worcester’s Public Schools, state aid for education made
               up 60.4% of its total budget (when including both general and
               grant revenues) or 72.1% of its general revenue budget alone.
               Finally, Paying for a Public Education compared Worcester to its
               neighbors and to other Gateway Cities on spending above and
               beyond what is required by the Commonwealth.

                      SCAN FOR MORE:

                      Breaking Down     Paying for a Public
                      the Budget FY24   Education FY24              Worcester Public Schools Expenditure Centers
                                                                    Total Employees*           $453,830,483
                                                                    Total Supplies and Services  $85,200,037
                                                                    Total Capital Equipment     $12,974,253
                                                                    Total Expenditures FY24   $552,004,773

                                                                  Source: Worcester Public Schools, FY24 Budget
                                                                  (*Employees includes salaries, overtime, and fringe benefits)

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