Worcester sets the stage for its next master plan

Full and original article posted on Telegram.com

WORCESTER – From addressing LULUs – locally unwanted land uses – to providing pizza at meetings, a panel of city planners Thursday offered suggestions large and small as the city embarks on its first master planning process in three decades.

“The (current) master plan is 31 years old. It’s served us well, but it’s well past its prime,” said Michael Traynor, the city’s chief development officer, at a panel discussion Thursday morning hosted by The Research Bureau.

In October, Worcester announced it would undertake a citywide master plan for the first time in three decades. The plan, to which the city budget allocates $200,000, will identify issues, opportunities and prioritize recommendations for topics, such as land use and zoning, transportation, housing, historical and cultural resources, environmental sustainability, public health and physical infrastructure.

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