At-large city council candidates assert ‘renaissance’ falls short

Full and original article posted on The Worcester Guardian

WORCESTER – An aging industrial metropolis has undergone remarkable progress in recent years, but that transformation has not touched all people and all neighborhoods. This was the unmistakable message delivered by at-large city council candidates Guillermo Creamer Jr., Maydee Morales, Bill Coleman, Domenica F. Perrone and Johanna Hampton-Dance during a debate at Mechanics Hall Wednesday night.

Individually and collectively, Creamer, Morales, Coleman, Perrone and Hampton-Dance stressed that Mayor Joseph M. Petty and his fellow incumbents—Kate Toomey, Donna Colorio, Morris Bergman and Khrystian King—are not doing enough to address housing affordability, public health, equity and other festering issues.

Incumbent At-Large Councilor Thu Nguyen was not among the ten individuals fanned out behind a table in the auditorium on the second floor of Mechanics Hall, as a late-arriving audience watched the proceedings.

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